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$15 for your personalized (7) Day Detox Tea. $5 Shipping. Comes with Tea, Plan and Journal to Cleanse your Mind~Body~Sprit! #metalscleanse #livercleanse #bowelscleanse #kidneycleanse #bloodcleanse #digestivecleanse



(7) Day Full Body Detox

  • Once you pay, you will receive a Detox Questionnaire to assess whether or not you need special attention to certain areas of your body.  Once the questionnaire is returned, you will receive your tea, instructions and plan for your (7) day self-healing journey.  The Wholistic Wellness Detox is more of a euretic, so you will see an increase in urination and more of a change in your bowels, instead of an increase in bowel movement. Perfectly crafted to clease the bowels, digestive system, liver, kidney, blood and metals. 

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